Compliant with HEA Title IV, CFR 34, Sections 600.9 (a)(1) and 668.43 (b)
The Wright Institute takes complaints and concerns regarding the institution very seriously. However, if your complaint regarding The Wright Institute has not been resolved by the administration at the institute, you may present your claim as follows:
- If your complaint is associated with the institution’s compliance with academic program quality and accrediting standards you may file a complaint with the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), the agency that accredits an institution’s academic program, at http://www.wascsenior.org/comments.
- For all other complaints about The Wright Institute that are not about the institute’s academic program quality and accrediting standards, you may file a complaint with the State Attorney General by contacting the Public Inquiry Unit of the California State Department of Justice using online forms available at https://oag.ca.gov.
Or by telephone or fax:
Public Inquiry Unit
Voice: (916) 322-3360
Or (Toll-free in California): (800) 952-5225
Fax: (916) 323-5341
Nothing in this disclosure should be construed to limit any right that you may have to take civil or criminal legal action to resolve your complaints.
The Wright Institute has provided this disclosure to you in compliance with the requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, as regulated in CFR 34, Sections 600.9 (b) (3) and 668.43(b). If anything in this disclosure is out of date, please notify administration at The Wright Institute.