Karen Davison, PsyD
Adjunct Clinical Faculty
BS Mathematics with Secondary Education, The Pennsylvania State University, 1990
MS Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, The Pennsylvania State University, 1993
Certificate, Educational Administration, The Pennsylvania State University, 1999
PsyD Clinical Psychology, The Wright Institute, 2007
Dr. Davison established and has maintained an independent private practice since 2008 and provides psychotherapy and relationship coaching for individuals and couples, practice development consultation for clinicians, and gender-related assessments. Previously, Dr. Davison was a clinician at Stanford Counseling and Psychological Services and Medical Staff Affiliate at Stanford Hospital, supervised and employed psychological assistants and MFTi’s, a founding member of Bay Area Open Minds, a local professional organization that provides education about and service to marginalized sexual communities.
Dr. Davison has taught in a variety of academic settings for over 30 years including Stanford University, The Pennsylvania State University, Kaplan Test Centers, and secondary public schools. Dr. Davison was a full-time faculty member at the Wright Institute and has developed curriculum for and taught courses on topics that include: Advanced Ethics, Dissertation Proposal Development, Human Sexuality, Intervention: Brief Therapy, Individual and Family Development, Introduction to Psychological Testing, Lifespan Development, Psychopathology and Treatment, Research and Evaluation, Research Methods, Service Learning, Standardized Test Preparation Statistics, Tests and Measurement, and Treatment of Eating Disorders.
Professional Memberships:
Division 42 of the American Psychological Association
California Psychological Association
Society for Psychotherapy Research
Selected Publications, Presentations & Research Interests:
Sprott, R. A., Randall, A., Davison, K., Cannon, N., & Witherspoon, R. G. (2017). Alternative or Non-traditional Sexualitites and Therapy: A Case Report. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 00(0),1-9.
Alperin-Hooks, B. & Davison, K. (2015). Mental health treatment satisfaction and best practice adherence: Does clinician adherence to trans-affirmative best practices matter? Poster Session at the UCSF Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA.
Katz, D., & Davison, K. (2014). Community College Student Mental Health: A Comparative Analysis. Community College Review, 42(4), 307-326.
Lingen, S., Davison, K., & McGovern, K. (2011). Risk and resilience: Suicidal crisis in college populations. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the California Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
Davison, K. (2006). Teacher resilience promotion: A pilot program study. Doctoral Dissertation, The Wright Institute, Berkeley, CA.
Davison, K., McSherry, N., Kosoff, A., O’Connor, L., & Berry, J. (2005). Distribution of basketball players’ personality types: Bias against under-controlled individuals. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Davison, K. (1993). A probabilistic neural network for voice classification. Masters Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
Davison, K. (1990). A three-layer back-propagation neural network to classify sound data. Undergraduate Honors Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.